Information & Integration of Computer Technology

Reflecting on blogging as an occasional teacher versus a full time teacher. I Agree with Couros’ first statement on wanting to do various experiences with students, but as an OT having a limited direction to go in when not in one standard place makes using some of what I learn a bit difficult. Blogging and sharing ideas allows for me to keep all of the activities and learning experiences in one location to use as a library as well as a tool to share resources and ideas with fellow teachers.
I feel that creating a blog that is just for self reflection whether I’m an OT or in a long term position will allow for me to organize my thoughts and reflect on experiences I participate in the many schools I work in.  Blogging will allow for a clearing of the mind, by putting the thoughts down it also helps me to see what went well, what didn’t work well and what amendments can be made when doing the activity again.

I have not considered blogging (journaling) as a way to keep and categorize what I’ve learned. Couros speaks on continuously googling his own works. I’ve been bookmarking things in Symbaloo and some times can’t remember why or what the links do. By blogging how I’ve used these links with examples gives a new approach I had not considered before and this will allow for more organization as well implementing the lessons, activities and the like that work and also being able to share these works with other teachers is a great benefit. I can definitely see the benefit and importance to reflecting and can also appreciate the time constraints we have in our daily lives. But as Couros states ‘If we do not take time to look back, how will we ever be able to move forward?this may definitely become my new motto. I hope to take away from this experience of blogging how to better organize the many resources I use as well as be able to reflect on what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown as a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Your comment about saving links, but not remembering why is all me! I do the same thing. And as an Occasional teacher I am sure you see things all the time in different rooms that you would want to "steal" as well. I think the use of a blog is a great idea to help consolidate thoughts and ideas!
    Loved the insights!
